
Fort Fetterman, Wyoming

After our visit to the Devil's Tower, we traveled up to Fort Fetterman near Douglas, Wyoming. More info here.

Just before reaching Ft Fetterman, I noticed a small heard of Prong Horn

casually grazing in someone's field.

They are so beautiful -

And tasty too. I went on a hunt for prong horns in Wyoming with a fiend not long after this trip.

The entrance to Ft. Fetterman

with the re-constructed building that

is now a museum.

Some of the displays inside

were very interesting

about the soldier's lives

along with information

about Indians

and the local

population in the town

of Fetterman.

An old 'wagon frame' at the entrance.

Fort Laramie, Wyoming

We then traveled down to Fort Laramie, still in Wyoming. More info here.

















Pictures on this page photographed by Bob Snyder

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First Created: 06/10/09 Last Updated: 04/02/11

Hits beginning March 28, 2011